Principles of Struggle

Principles of Struggle
First: Palestine, with its historical borders, is a single territorial unit. No distinction is made between the part of Palestine which fell under Zionist occupation in 1948 or 1967. Palestine is an integral part of the great Arab homeland, and it is the natural home of the Palestinian people.
Second: The catastrophe experienced by the Palestinian people since 1947, including uprooting, displacement, ethnic cleansing, denial of the right to return, colonization and the dismantling of the social, economic and political structures of Palestinian society, represents a continuous and ongoing historical injustice practiced by the Zionist movement and its state entity, supported by global imperialism and reactionary local forces.
Third: There can be no end to the historical and ongoing injustice inflicted upon the Palestinian people except through the full implementation of the right to return of the Palestinian people to their original homes, not a partial or incomplete return, and obtaining compensation in addition to their return, for all of the crimes that have been committed against them.
Fourth: The Palestinian people, in their struggle for the liberation of their homeland, their return to that land and their self-determination upon it, were organized within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The Palestinian people defined their goals and means of struggle in the Palestinian National Charter approved at the fourth session of the Palestinian National Council (Cairo, July 17, 1968). Any amendment to this charter affecting the complete liberation of and full return to Palestine is considered null, void and rejected.
Fifth: All agreements, understandings and settlements concluded since the Madrid Conference of 1991 are considered null, void and rejected. No Palestinian project or entity has any legitimacy unless it adheres to the following principles: a) the land of Palestine is one single unit. B) the full right of return of refugees and displaced persons to their original homes, restoration of their properties and compensation for their damages and losses; c) the right of the Palestinian people, in full, wherever they are, to determine their own destiny on the land of Palestine.
Sixth: The relationship between the various components of the Palestinian people, inside Palestine and in shatat (diaspora), is an integrated and unitary relationship. No area of struggle is “unique” except for the contributions it may make and roles it may play to further the creative integration of collective struggle, leading to the achievement of total liberation of Palestine.
Seventh: The Palestinian people, who are struggling against a Zionist colonial project supported by all imperialist and reactionary forces, draw lessons from and inherit the achievements and legacies of global national liberation movements and are companions and comrades for all of these movements.
Eighth: Every attempt to block or suppress the progress of the Palestinian people’s struggle, in whatever form, constitutes complicity with and support for the crimes of Zionist colonialism that are committed daily against the Palestinian people.
Ninth: The Palestinian people, recognizing their role as an advance vanguard of the Arab liberation movement in the struggle against imperialism and Zionism, calls upon all of the democratic and progressive forces and popular movements of the world to provide all forms of support to the struggle to achieve their full rights and national liberation.