No to genocidal war criminal Netanyahu in Washington, DC!
We call on our people and their supporters to demonstrate on July 24 in front of US embassies and consulates!

We, the undersigned, Palestinian organizations, associations and popular forces in Palestine and in exile and diaspora, call upon our people, their supporters and the forces of solidarity with the Palestinian people to organize protests and angry demonstrations in front of US embassies and consulates on July 24, 2024, to express our rejection of the visit of the Zionist war criminal, the killer of children, women, men and elders, Benjamin Netanyahu, to Washington, DC. We salute and appreciate all the popular efforts and initiatives in the United States that are organizing a mass demonstration at the Capitol, and the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities preparing for marches and popular demonstrations rejecting Netanyahu in a number of American and Canadian cities.

The US government provides full cover for the crimes of the Zionist enemy against our people, bears primary responsibility for the continuation of the “Israeli” occupation, and is a full participant in the war of genocide against the Palestinian people before and after October 7, 2023, especially in the Gaza Strip. It is the United States that provides military, political, economic and media support to the Zionist enemy, justifies its brutal crimes in regional and international forums, and sponsors its racist colonial project in occupied Palestine.

We call upon the supporters of the Palestinian people to organize and expand international popular boycott campaigns to isolate the occupation and all its institutions. We commend the prominent and decisive role of our Palestinian people in the diaspora, and the student, labour and youth movements around the world that campaign and struggle in support of our people and their brave resistance leading our liberation struggle, fighting to end the aggression, break the siege and liberate our prisoners from Zionist prisons. We also emphasize the importance of the campaign to boycott and expel the Zionist sports teams scheduled to participate in the Olympic Games in France and in all international sporting arenas, including FIFA.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024, must be a landmark of struggle to develop the popular movement supporting our people and expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and their rights, supporting the resistance in all its forms, and standing by their struggle to liberate their homeland and return to their homes, and to build their independent Palestinian state on the entire land of Palestine from the river to the sea, with Jerusalem as its capital.

Long live the heroic Palestinian resistance!
Long live international solidarity with the Palestinian people!

Sign on to Call to Protest Netanyahu at US Embassies and Consulates

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