The Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, concluded its annual conference in the Spanish capital, Madrid, and organized a massive popular march on Sunday, October 6, which proceeded the city center, in which political forces, labor unions, students, youth, and other organizations supporting Palestine participated. The participants chanted slogans calling for “liberating Palestine from the river to the sea” and “stopping the Zionist genocide,” as well as slogans supporting the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance and the prisoner movement in the occupation’s jails. A second demonstration was organized yesterday, Monday, October 7, in front of the U.S. embassy in Madrid.

Jaldia Abubakra, coordinator of the Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and member of the executive committee of the Masar Badil. said, “The Zionist movement and its supporters attempted and failed to prevent our conference from being held. They sought to silence us in order to cover up the enemy’s crimes and the genocide that the Zionist entity is carrying out in Gaza and all of occupied Palestine.”

She said, “It was necessary for us to express our position in support of the Palestinian and Arab resistance in Gaza, Beirut, Sana’a and Baghdad, especially on the first anniversary of the glorious Al-Aqsa Flood.”

Abubakra pointed out that Alkarama organized a series of political and cultural events as part of the conference this year, in which women from different generations and many internationalist revolutionary women’s organizations participated.


In turn, Charlotte Kates, the international coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, confirmed that “the Masar Badil Movement has become a political force confronting the Zionist project and a clear voice for the liberation of Palestine, supporting the resistance camp in the Arab region and the world.”

She considered that the incitement against the Masar Badil by the Zionist Foreign Ministry, the entity’s ambassador, and the Zionist movement organizations in European capitals, and the attempts to prevent our voice were failed efforts aimed at distorting the image of the Palestinian people’s struggle and preventing the conference and march, which were massive, organized, and strong. The Zionist regime did not succeed in its efforts due to the awareness, activity and vigilance of the supporters of Palestine.

Kates pointed out that “Samidoun Network salutes the actions of October 7, 2023 and considers the Al-Aqsa Flood to be a qualitative revolutionary step that turned the world upside down and brought the Palestinian people’s cause back to the political and media forefront. It exposed the essence of the racist Zionist project after the attempts of American imperialism, the Zionists and their allies to liquidate Palestinian rights and introduce the Zionist regime as a dominant force over the region and the peoples of the Arab world through the project of normalization and surrender.”

It is worth noting that the conference discussed the movement’s internal issues and the tasks of the next stage, especially developing campaigns against repression in Europe, supporting the prisoner movement in the occupation’s prisons, and preparing to hold and organize central conferences and events in October 2025 in multiple locations in a number of continents, including the Lebanese capital Beirut and the Arab region.

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