Masar Badil: French ruling to suspend dissolution of Collectif Palestine Vaincra is a prelude to greater victories
Comrade Jaldia Abubakra, a member of the Follow-up Committee of the Masar Badil - Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement - said that the French State Council’s decision to freeze the solution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra means “the beginning of the...
Masar Badil: We reject PA embassies’ interference in Palestinian community organizations
Comrade Eyad Abu al-Ola, a member of the Follow-up Committee of the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement (Masar Badil), said that the Palestinian Authority’s embassy in Sweden is “blatantly interfering in the affairs of Palestinian popular unions and...
Take action against the criminalization of solidarity: Defend the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and support the appeal!
At the request of Emmanuel Macron, French interior minister Gérald Darmanin officially administratively dissolved (essentially, banned) the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, which will soon file an appeal before the Council of State, the relevant appeals court. Make a...
Land Day: A beacon of struggle on the road to liberation and return
Statement issued by the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement Marking Land Day, 1976 – 2022 On this day every year, the Palestinian Arab people stand throughout occupied Palestine and everywhere in exile in diaspora, renewing their pledge of loyalty to...
Video: Launch of International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades & Economic Coercive Measures The United States, with the support of the United Nations and European Union, has imposed sanctions and other economic coercive measures on over 30 percent of the global population, mostly located in Asia, Africa, and...
26 March, online event: Palestine and US Strategy in the Arab World with Prof. As’ad AbuKhalil
SATURDAY, MARCH 26 5:00 PM PACIFIC || 8:00 PM EASTERN REGISTER TO JOIN: The struggle for the liberation of Palestine is also a struggle to defeat U.S. imperialism and obtain liberation of the Arab people. Join the Palestinian Alternative...