Vancouver-Saba: Khaled Barakat, a member of the Executive Committee of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, stressed that no matter how long the unjust Saudi siege on Yemen lasts, the just cause of the Yemeni people will prevail over the swords of tyrants and servants of colonialism in Riyadh.

Barakat said in a press statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that: “Since the first day of the glorious Battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood, the brotherly Yemeni people announced their clear position with a unified voice and meaningful action, with their revolutionary cry of support for the Palestinian people and their just cause. The free people of Yemen came out on Friday, July 12, to say once again that the war of starvation and siege that targets their strength and livelihood and seeks to break their position in support of the Palestinian people, are all miserable attempts destined for failure and disappointment. No matter how long the unjust siege lasts, the Yemeni people will triumph over the swords of the tyrants and the servants of colonialism in Riyadh.”

He added: “The free people of the Arab and Islamic nations, the people of conscience and the honorable people of the world have come to realize the reality of the ongoing conflict in Yemen, and stand with the brotherly and brave Yemeni people against the unjust American-Saudi aggression and siege…It seems that the Al Saud regime has not yet realized the extent of the disaster that will befall it as a result of its foolishness, and that the balance of power has changed in the region.”

Barakat also noted that “the recent American-Saudi steps serve the Zionist-U.S. enemy,” citing the timing and meaning of “tightening the siege on Yemen, continuing the war of starvation, and targeting the livelihoods, rights, institutions, and economy of the Yemeni people, at a time when Yemen is waging a fierce battle against the U.S. -British-Israeli aggression? Is this the Saudi-Zionist response to the naval blockade imposed by the Yemeni army on the ports of occupied Palestine?”

Barakat pointed out that “the free people of Yemen, their revolutionary leadership and the valiant Yemeni armed forces are waging a glorious battle that will be recorded in history, preserved in the memory of nations and passed down through generations throughout the ages to come.” He stressed that “the Palestinian people know the forces and countries that support their heroic resistance in Gaza and which countries are seeking normalization with the Zionist enemy and working day and night to liquidate their legitimate national rights.”

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