The Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, condemns the meeting organized by the Spanish government in Madrid, with representatives of the Arab League, the Palestinian Authority and several ambassadors of countries that normalize with the Zionist entity. We consider this meeting an attempt to circumvent Palestinian rights and to reproduce of the disastrous Madrid Conference of 1991.

The Masar reiterates its rejection of normalization with the Zionist enemy and all the projects established by the Camp David Accords, Oslo, Wadi Araba and the so-called Abraham Accords. All the so-called “peace agreements” have only contributed to consolidating colonization in Palestine, and have been used as a pretext to harm and criminalize the indigenous Palestinian people’s resistance. There is no possibility of peace until the colonial entity “Israel” that perpetuates oppression throughout the region disappears. This meeting is also taking place on the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres committed by the Zionist fascists and their agents in Lebanon, and serves as a reminder that the Western powers will allow, support and, indeed, direct any genocide against our people and will ensure the maintenance of the colony “Israel” no matter the cost.

The Masar reaffirms its full support for the Palestinian resistance confronting the genocidal war committed by the Zionist enemy against our people in Gaza in particular and the “Israeli” war crimes against the Palestinian people throughout the land of historic Palestine, the Arab homeland and the entire region.

We urge all people in solidarity with Palestine to participate widely in the international popular march on Sunday, October 6, 2024 in Madrid to express our support for the struggle of the Palestinian people for return and the liberation of all of Palestine from the river to the sea, and to hold Zionist war criminals and their allies in Europe and North America accountable for their ongoing war crimes and genocide.

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