We invite you to participate in the Conference of the Alternative Revolutionary Palestinian Path (Masar Badil), whose activities will be launched between Beirut, Madrid and Sao Paulo, to announce a new stage of struggle confronting the Zionist enemy and ending the projects of neglect and normalization that are represented by the path of the Madrid and Oslo agreements.

Let us participate together in making this historical occasion, which we hope to be the popular basis for renewal of the vitality of the national liberation movement in Palestine and in diaspora and exile, and a milestone in the history of our Palestinian people, on the road to achieving all of our goals and rights to liberation and return.

The Palestinian Arab Cultural Club
The Palestinian Cultural Club
Naqab Center for Youth Activities
Harakat al-Shaab
Campaign to Boycott Supporters of “Israel” in Lebanon
Democratic Popular Party
Palestinian Chess Club – Shatila Camp
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Club in Bourj al-Barajneh
Aidoun – Refugee Rights Center

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