Towards Return and Liberation: Unity and Revitalization of the Palestinian Student Movement

Towards holding the National Conference for Palestine Students – October 2022


We will shortly begin preparations to convene the National Conference for Palestine Students in October 2022 and to organize a series of meetings and activities as well as workshops, political seminars and cultural events throughout the year. This program comes in the interests of unity and revitalization of the Palestinian student movement and the development of its role in the struggle of the student movement in occupied Palestine and in exile and diaspora.

Accordingly, we call upon Palestinian students everywhere to join us and participate in these efforts to achieve this collective goal, on the road of return and liberation and for the Palestinian people to exercise their right of self-determination over the entire land of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

These Palestinian, Arab and international student efforts are being organized to implement the decision of the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement (Masar Badil) that was launched on 1 November 2021 at its founding conferences in Beirut, Madrid and Sao Paulo. These conferences decided to organize the National Conference for Palestinian Students in order to restore the leading role of the Palestinian student movement in the national liberation struggle.

It comes to rectify the gaps left by the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) committed the crime of signing the Oslo liquidation agreement in Washington in 1993, and by the collapse of the General Union of Palestine Students and dissolution of the PLO institutions as a result of the disastrous policies of exclusivity and monopolization pursued by this same leadership. This was exacerbated by the establishment of the so-called “Palestinian Authority” or self-rule regime subordinate to Zionist colonialism, and the marginalization and confiscation of the voice of our Palestinian people in exile and diaspora.

The Palestinian student movement has a decisive revolutionary role, and an advanced position for this movement is critical at various political, cultural, social, scientific and struggle levels. We consider this pivotal role for the Palestinian people and their liberation struggle to be a student responsibility and a Palestinian responsibility that cannot be overlooked or ignored and an urgent mission of struggle that can no longer accept delay or procrastination. The students of Palestine represent great energy and a revolutionary potential  as well as deep engagement with the march of Palestinian liberation in the struggle to defend Palestinian identity and obtain the national and human rights of the Palestinian people everywhere.

Accordingly, the “Student Masar” (Student Path) calls on all Palestinian students in the diaspora to communicate, discuss and build bridges of struggle and organization to serve the cause of our people and the rights of students, on the basis of mutual action and interdependence, and to strengthen our common front against the organizations of the Zionist movement and its student branches around the world. We also urge you to re-establish our Palestinian student organizations according to new foundations of unity and struggle, away from factionalism, regionalism, quotas and exclusivity.

As we hold the National Conference for Palestinian Students, we aim to renew the energy of the Palestinian student movement transnationally, organize its ranks and make it more capable of upholding the cause and voice of our people. We will bring the struggles of our students under occupation and imprisoned in the colonizer’s jails to various institutions, universities, academic and scientific arenas and work to expand the Arab and international boycott, including the academic boycott, of the Zionist project and the Israeli regime, and to strengthen the international and Arab depth of support for the just cause of the Palestinian people, their national rights and their resistance toward victory and liberation.

The Palestinian Student Masar announces today the launch of an open national workshop to organize the National Conference for Palestinian Students in October 2022. As we do so, we renew our commitment to the martyrs, wounded and prisoners of the Palestinian student movement and emphasize our continued confrontation of colonialism, Zionism and reactionary forces and their agents. We call on Palestinian students, Arab students and the international student movements supportive of our cause to join widely and participate in the political meeting on 30 January 2022 under the title:

Why are we calling for the National Conference for Palestinian Students?

Link to participate in the event:

Sunday, 30 January

10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm central Europe – 8 pm Palestine


To contact the Palestinian Student Path

For more information on how to participate in organizing the conference


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