Brussels – Athens – Geneva
14 October 2022

The Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, received dozens of solidarity messages and endorsements from Arab and international social movements, solidarity organizations and political parties in support of the Palestinian resistance and the Week of Return and Liberation organized by the movement between 22 and 29 October, on the anniversary of its founding. Around 90 organizations, unions, associations and parties will participate in these activities, with the central focus being the March for Return and Liberation, on 29 October in Brussels, marching from Lumumba Square to the European Parliament.

Dozens of Palestinian, Arab and international figures have called, in video messages, for wide participation in the activities of the Week of Return and Liberation.

Freedom for Georges Abdallah!

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra and the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network renewed their call for the widest popular participation in the march for freedom for imprisoned comrade Georges Abdallah, which is being organized on Saturday, 22 October, in front of Lannemezan Prison in France to demand the liberation of the Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine and the longest-held political prisoner in Europe, who is entering his year 39 in French prisons. They also called in a joint appeal to organize activities to support the struggles of the prisoners’ movement in the prisons of the Zionist enemy and to escalate the international campaign to support Palestinian prisoners confronting the policy of administrative detention, Zionist imprisonment without charge or trial.

From Paris: Break the Zionist siege on Gaza .. now!

French sources reported that hundreds of supporters and members of CAPJPO-EuroPalestine are preparing to participate in the activities of the Week of Return and Liberation with a demand to break the siege on Gaza now. Palestinians in Gaza have been subjected to ongoing crimes for over a century of colonialism, while the siege on Gaza has persisted for over 15 years. The March and associated events will demand an end to the siege as central to Palestinian liberation. 

In addition, the European Parliament will host a forum of popular organizations working with the Masar Badil on the struggle of Palestinian refugees to return home to Palestine and implement their rights, and to protect their civil, cultural and political rights in the refugee camps and in exile in Europe.

Support the revolutionary intifada in the West Bank.. no to the “Palestinian Authority”

Mohammed Khatib, the general coordinator of the activities of the Week of Return and Liberation, said that leaders of the Masar Badil participated in a series of meetings recently with revolutionary movements, popular organizations and parliamentary forces from Greece, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Spain, Mexico and elsewhere. “We asked them to support the prisoners’ movement, the Palestinian resistance and our natural right to reclaim and liberate our land and looted natural resources throughout occupied Palestine, from the river to the sea.” He emphasized that it is necessary now to “support the escalating revolutionary intifada in the occupied West Bank and the Resistance throughout occupied Palestine as the true and legitimate representative of our people’s struggle, not the so-called ‘Palestinian Authority’ that pursues the resistance and acts as an agent of the occupation.”

Khatib noted that Masar Badil leaders had met with organizations from North and South America in the past week, discussing with them ways to strengthen relationships between the Palestinian liberation movement, the Black Liberation movement in the United States, and revolutionary labor organizations and unions across continents.

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