Statement issued by the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement

Marking Land Day, 1976 – 2022

On this day every year, the Palestinian Arab people stand throughout occupied Palestine and everywhere in exile in diaspora, renewing their pledge of loyalty to the martyrs, the wounded and the prisoners, and affirming their attachment to the beloved homeland, Palestine, all of Palestine, from the river to the sea. On this day, all democratic and progressive forces in the world also stand with us, affirming their support for the Palestinian cause and our just struggle for liberation and return. Today, more than four and one-half decades since the launch of this occasion in 1976, our Palestinian people inside their occupied homeland, from the occupied Naqab of Bir al-Saba, to al-Khadira, to Haifa, through Jerusalem to the steadfast West Bank and the valiant Gaza Strip, record in word and deed their resistance and heroism to defend their existence, their land and their legitimate rights.

The date of March 30, which was marked by the blood and struggle of the Palestinian people and our revolutionary youth in the Galilee, the Triangle and the villages occupied since 1948, remains a revolutionary beacon marked by great sacrifice. It is an immortal page of history that cannot be erased from the annals of our people and their long struggle for return and for salvation from the shackles of Zionist colonialism. This occasion will remain a revolutionary, renewable and inexhaustible energy that pushes forward our national liberation movement along the path of revolution and intifada until a decisive victory.

Our Palestinian people inside and outside Palestine have carried out many battles and epics of heroism, confronting the enemy and its policy of dispossession, liquidation and dissolution. From generation to generation, the vanguards of the Palestinian people, in al-Lyd, Nazareth, Yafa and Akka, in all the villages and cities of the Galilee, the Triangle, the Naqab, throughout the homeland and in diaspora, wage the battle of existence and steadfastness. They confront the war machine of colonialism, racism, exploitation and oppression with bare chests. Despite the tyranny of hostile forces and the imbalance of power in favor of the racist colonizer, the Arab-Zionist struggle has not been resolved in favor of the colonial powers. Instead, it has remained an open struggle, taking on new forms at every stage until our people regain all of their land and all of their rights.

46 years ago, the Palestinian masses in the occupied homeland advanced toward confrontation with the enemy, rising with unparalleled determination, valor and courage, reminding friend and foe alike that the Arab masses of occupied Palestine, especially in occupied Palestine ’48, continue to advance on the front lines of defending the land and confronting the illegitimate Zionist racist settler-colonial project.

On the other hand, there is an opposite picture that our Palestinian people are witnessing with the convening of the so-called “Negev Summit,” bringing the regimes of treason and normalization to announce the establishment of a reactionary-Zionist alliance under the auspices of U.S. imperialism. This only peels the curtain from the reality and nature of the enemy camp, as well as the correctness of our position on this camp and those who surround us. This official Arab acquiescence on the part of the reactionary regimes must inspire us to greater unity, struggle and cohesion at the popular level to build our united national front and defeat the project of liquidation and surrender.

The entire world witnessed how the Palestinian masses came out in occupied Palestine in May 2021 to say in one voice, “We remain, steadfast from the river to the sea.” The minarets and churches, the hills and electricity poles, and the people everywhere, witnessed the steadfastness of our people in occupied Palestine ’48 and the occupied West Bank, and our armed resistance in the Gaza Strip, growing and increasing in strength and experience, and how it demonstrated its ability to confront decisively, affirming the unity of our people’s liberation struggle acting together against the targeting of Jerusalem, the capital of the Palestinian people and the beacon of revolutionaries and all who seek justice.

Today, we renew our call to the masse of our people in occupied Palestine 1948 towards active popular unity in confronting the so-called “internal violence” manufactured by the occupation and its agents, this violence that targets the life and security of our society and our people. We call on them to be vigilant as an individual and collective task that calls for revolutionary awareness and a sense of national responsibility. This battle is inseparable from the struggle to extract political and social rights on the one hand, just as it is inseparable from the struggle for liberation from class exploitation, national oppression and Zionist colonialism.

On the eternal occasion of Land Day, we urge the masses of our Palestinian people in the refugee camps and in diaspora, to break the barriers of silence and raise their voices loudly to rouse the national liberation movement at all levels, and to launch open, popular initiatives and dialogues to renew and build our student, labor and women’s movement, and to restore the role of our people in exile and their right to national participation and organizing, which were confiscated and destroyed by the gangs of Oslo and the puppet self-rule “Palestinian Authority.”

We extend a militant salute to the Palestinian student movement inside Palestine, to the Palestinian students in the diaspora, in Canadian, American and British universities and their committed supporters, who have achieved important victories in advancing the isolation of the Zionist project and building a comprehensive academic and cultural boycott. We salute the activists and strugglers organizing the campaign to shut down Zionist arms dealers and factories, like Elbit Systems, in Britain and Germany. We call upon our communities in North America and Europe to participate widely in the national and international campaign against the so-called “Jewish National Fund” and to confront the organizations of the Zionist movement everywhere.

Today, we renew our pledge to the Palestinian prisoners’ movement in the dungeons of the occupation, the solid core of the revolution and resistance and a reliable national leadership, and we affirm our determination and commitment to support their struggle and liberate them from the colonial prisons. We call for broad participation in the national and international campaigns of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, and we urge solidarity with the Collectif Palestine Vaincra to defend its legal right to organize and confront Zionism, racism and fascism in France.

Long live the Day of the Land, a beacon on the road to return and liberation of all of Palestine!

Glory to the martyrs… we shall return and be victorious!

The Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement

March 30, 2022

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