Announcement of ‘Al Falasteniyeh’; an Independent Palestinian and Arab media network New York, USA – Today, ‘Al Falasteniyeh’ announced its plan to begin broadcasting multimedia content on several online platforms on October 29, 2022. The network stated its goal is to report and produce programming on...
Resist Repression: Support the Mapping Project
We, the undersigned organizations, reaffirm our support for the Mapping Project out of Boston. The project identifies hundreds of policing institutions, universities, weapons manufacturers, and explicitly political Zionist organizations that collaborate with one...
March for Return and Liberation – Brussels, October 2022
Call and Statement: Join the international Palestinian popular march in the heart of Europe Together on the road to return and liberation, towards victory for Palestine! European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium End of October 2022 The Palestinian Alternative...
Masar Badil at the ILPS 5th Assembly in Canada
Palestinian and solidarity associations and institutions affiliated with the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement (Masar Badil) will participate in the work of the 5th Assembly of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (Canada), to be held in the...
On the 74th Day of Palestinian Struggle: Our people’s resistance continues until victory!
In mid-May every year, the Palestinian people inside Palestine and in exile and diaspora come together as one to reaffirm their right to life, to return and liberation, to express their revolutionary insistence and unbreakable iron will, determined to achieve all of...
Palestine Nakba 74: Statement by Canadian Organizations
Nakba 74: We support Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland What is Nakba? The British occupation/mandate of Palestine (1917-1948) supported and facilitated a colonial-settler project in Palestine called Zionism. Settlers came mainly from Europe. Israel was...